Pope Francis - Wikipedia (8:58 AM, 6/4/23)

10:23 AM (1/15/23): "The term 'left behind,' is relatively ambiguous... in the biblical sense. Perhaps, such has unconventional implications... and is not necessarily the act, of dematerializing/vanishing... spontaneously. I suspect a more likely scenario, is that some people age naturally... and then become deceased, and await Judgment Day (where it's plausible that they 'awaken in hell,' in a sense... if they led 'unethical lives')... On the other hand, there is credence to believe that other individuals just will stick around... indefinitely, until 'the Rapture' does occur (in the context, of there being heaven on Earth)... The term 'heaven on Earth,' could be thought of as an 'old Earth' being replaced by a 'new one'... 'as though a veil, was lifted'..." - Michael Izuchukwu


“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven… but only he who does the will of my Father'…” - Matthew 7:21 (according to Jesus Christ, regarding 'God the Father')

“But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary… they will walk, and not be faint…” - Isaiah 40:31

“But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years… are like a day…” - 2 Peter 3:8

“Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death… so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in Him. According to the Lord’s word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord… will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command… with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God… and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left… will be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord, forever…" - 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17

“About that day or hour, no one knows... not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son... but only, the Father..." - Matthew 24:36

NOTE: Enoch and Elijah, are two biblical individuals... who were whisked away to heaven, without experiencing 'natural death'... See the contents, of this blog... for elaboration...

Hazy - Cosmos - YouTube

At the dentist's office, and contemplating... (East Orange, NJ - 10:20 AM on 2/21/22) - YouTube

juliejulie7126 (@juliejulie712) TikTok | Watch juliejulie7126's Newest TikTok Videos

Calm (@calm) Official TikTok | Watch Calm's Newest TikTok Videos



SNAP-SCROLL #2 on Tumblr 


7:49 PM (12/18/22):

"Life is a test, to see what is done... with the given time... I believe that Matthew 19:24 of the bible, is most reflective... of this sentiment, in the context of the intended destination... being 'heaven'... Such states, 'it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than it is... for a rich man, to enter the Kingdom... of Heaven'... Nevertheless, I recently have begun thinking... that such is a matter of staying ahead of 'certain waves'... and not being under them, regarding the current... that is necessary, to stay on a spiritual path... that is 'frequency-based'... If this is so, entering heaven via 'natural means'... may be a matter, of quality... as opposed to quantity..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Gwen Stacy Suite — The Amazing Spider-Man 2 — Hans Zimmer - YouTube

November 17, 2021

6:39 AM (11/17/21): "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man... to enter, the Kingdom of Heaven..." - Matthew 19:24

"I was just thinking about the above biblical passage, after eating a can of corn... for breakfast... And then I started thinking, about its implications... A camel is a relatively massive animal, and the 'eye of a needle' is quite small... Yet, Jesus Christ likened entering heaven... to the difficulty of entering, through a 'small passage'... Thus, I made the inference that a rich person ('of the world') often has many unwarranted or unnecessary attachments/obligations... which may weigh him/her down... It may be beneficial to be efficient with the means one has to make a living, and what one does for a living... in order to get to heaven...

...Someone abiding by the latter sentiment, would then realize that from a metaphorical standpoint... the entryway to heaven would be a bit larger for him/her than the 'eye of a needle'... ...Perhaps, like the top of a small cup..." - Michael Izuchukwu




November 15, 2021

7:08 PM (11/15/21): "The less you rely on God, while trusting in Him... the closer you are to Him..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"Jesus Christ now performs the function of God in the spirit realm, and has been doing such... for over 2,000 years... He had appeared before 11 (of 12) of His remaining apostles/disciples, in the 40 days that followed His Resurrection (which took 3 days)... Evidently, that duration of time was divinely intended... given that Moses had wandered through the wilderness (thousands of years before), for 40 days and nights... in  Egypt... I surmise that Jesus Christ had been inspired by the historical accounts of what he had achieved, and such may have impacted His personal ability... to walk on water... 

...Moses had parted the Red Sea, and liberated the Hebrews from Egyptian captivity..." - Michael Izuchukwu

7:00 AM (2/11/22): 

“Matthew 19:24 of the bible states ‘it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man… to enter, the Kingdom of Heaven…’ One can extrapolate that if a rich man were the size of a camel, then passing through the entrance to heaven… would be no less difficult… than a camel, passing through the eye… of a needle… I conclude that such means one must be a ‘very efficient’ person (in the context of the spirit, mind and body)…” - Michael Izuchukwu



11:26 PM (5/31/22):

"To reach a certain destination, a path must be traversed... requiring one, to take the necessary steps... People change over time, in a number of ways... in the context of the spirit, mind and body... Ideally, one keeps advancing with all three of those components... that formulate the 'human sentience'... The earlier one learns this principle, the better off one will be... regarding reaching heaven..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Young Jesus Tested by Rabbi - YouTube


11:34 PM (5/31/22):

"Featured here, is a 'number line, without numbers'... One could think of such, as representing one's progression from his/her point of origin in this world... to his/her point of departure, in the context of time... which is regarded as the 'fourth dimension'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

11:37 PM (5/31/22):
"Every cause, has a causation... which itself, is a cause..." - Michael Izuchukwu


9:32 AM (6/1/22):

"For what should it profit a man, to gain the whole world... but lose his own soul...?" - Mark 8:36

"One enters this world, alone... and departs from such, in a similar... capacity... He/she is thrust into such, singularly... and transitions to the next realm, by him/herself... From point A to point Z, in life's journey... one formulates relationships with others, aside from one's immediate family. In the context of the aforementioned, families could be thought of as 'testing grounds'... for the greater connectiveness, that is characteristic... of human socialization... When on a certain trajectory, one must assess whether or not others... are relating to such... given that one's vector (magnitude and direction), accounts for how one progresses through life... just as much, as where one goes... in such, and after..." - Michael Izuchukwu


4:00 PM (12/2/22): 

Jesus was a carpenter. Surely, there was a reason for this...


"Time is relative to the observer, and if one can find a means of defying such... via 'asymptotic aging'... then that may be a pathway to the spiritual plane, for one who is 'spiritually sound'... If one isn't, one may find that 'aging with grace' is quite difficult... given that spiritual growth is the result, of a great deal... of adversity..." - Michael Izuchukwu

7:08 PM (3/16/22):
"As of a few moments ago, I concluded that even though I am 32 years, 4 months and 14 days old (as of today, regarding my 'chronological age'), I believe I appear to be no older than 23 ('biological age')... from the standpoint, of my 'physiological appearance'... Biological age is how old one appears to be (affected by many variables, such as diet/nutrition, drugs and alcohol abstinence, exercise, rate of sedentariness and hygiene), while chronological age... is how long one has been on Earth..." - Michael Izuchukwu

7:25 PM (3/16/22): "There's a dude who lives near me, who recently said he was 24 years old... He is subtly stubby... but based off an assessment of his vibe, I concluded I was relating to his youthfulness... even though I would say, I have higher vitality (due to my history of partaking in sports since childhood, abstinence from drugs and alcohol, and health dietary choices)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

7:58 PM (3/16/22):

"Someone can appear to look a certain age, but how they feel... may be completely different... When one 'feels' as old as he/she 'appears,' then that attests to the quality and veracity... of that sentiment, in the context of 'biological age'... Chronological age, does not waver..." - Michael Izuchukwu

8:00 PM (3/16/22): 

"Regarding the aforementioned, there is a difference between natural and artificial beauty... the former is more about proper diet/nutrition, exercise and hygiene... while the latter incorporates cosmetics and sometimes surgery... Nevertheless, there is the saying 'it's what's on the inside, that counts'... because even if one looks a lot younger than one is, there is no guarantee that one may feel like that... What one eats/drinks (ingests), and how mobile one is... are the key variables, that refine one's metabolic rate... and vitality.

8:03 PM (3/16/22):

"A person could be 80 years old, and look like they're 40... but if the means by which such was done was unnatural ('artificial'), then such an individual will not genuinely feel as though he/she is 40 ('38/39', in a sense) years old..." - Michael Izuchukwu

8:19 AM (4/29/22):

"Dedication and perseverance are necessary, to continue advancing with respect... to the spirit, mind and body... over time's passage (even though more time may be required to see a certain amount of gains, as more time... elapses)

70-Year-Old Runs 13.47 100m At Penn Relays! - YouTube (Michael Kish was the winner of this race, a 71-year-old... from Nutley, NJ)


5:12 PM (4/12/22):

"I just watched the entirety of this Usain Bolt documentary... such was quite inspiring, making me recollect when I had watched him break the 200-meter world record in 19.19 seconds... at the 2009 World Championships, in Berlin, Germany... via a livestream, at the time (on my laptop, when I had been at my former home... in Chesterfield, MO, in the summer of 2009)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Usain Bolt Tv docunentary - YouTube (24:44-25:23 is my favorite part) 

10:53 PM (5/22/22): "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you..." - Matthew 7:7 

"The ability to reflect on one's progression through spacetime (in the context of one's experiences and achievements), refines how one sees oneself... in relation to others, over such... One's twenties serve as the foundation for one's thirties, to a greater degree... than one's thirties doing the same, for one's forties... Presently, I'm 32 years old... but if ten years elapse, and I have the same disposition towards life... as I do now, that is surely an indication that I must be adhering to a 'spiritually valid' process... in the context of that which is likely required... to make a natural transition, into the spirit realm... where heaven, is..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Good Will Hunting-What Do You Want? - YouTube &


11:47 PM (5/22/22):
"The journey of a thousand miles, begins with a single step..." - Lao Tzu

"The above quote applies to reading books, learning subjects which build upon their elementary constituents (math subjects, for instance), and 'asymptotic aging'... In the context of this, I believe that age 28 is when the doors for such... open... One could interpret this integer, as one saying 'imagination is more important, than knowledge'... in the context of the principle, of 'not believing in coincidences (seeing a 'sign,' for instance)... Therefore, if one has not given the notion of 'asymptotic aging' sufficient consideration... by age 48, it may be difficult to experience the fruits of one's labor... towards such. Particularly, if one seeks to 'live without limits'... In the bible, there was a man named Enoch... who allegedly 'did not taste death,' given he was 'plucked away' by 'God the Father'... who is Jesus Christ's 'heavenly Father'... 

...the implication of that sentiment, is that 'Enoch vanished'... like an apparition (at the age of 365)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

>>>“Thus all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty-five years. Enoch walked with God; then he was no more… because God took him…” - Genesis 5:23-24<<<

(artistic depiction of Enoch)

Noah/Best scene/Darren Aronofsky/Russell Crowe/Anthony Hopkins/Methuselah/Gavin Casalegno/Shem - YouTube


"The phrase 'God took him' is of interest to me... Such evokes of the notion, that if one abides by the ways of the spirit long enough... one may consequentially live for centuries, before being 'whisked away'... in a sense..." - Michael Izuchukwu


Enoch - Wikipedia &

Elon Musk's Daily Schedule - YouTube &

The Illusionist (2006) Opening Scene - Young Eisenheim and Sophie's Story - YouTube (0:00-1:14) &


12:43 AM (5/23/22):
"I think the fact that Enoch lived to the age of 365, before being 'teleported to heaven (while his son, Methuselah, died a natural death... at age 969)'... is a sign from God, that there is a distinction between being pure-hearted, as opposed to just 'good'... If you're with God, you're with God... but if you're not, you're not... It is written in the bible, that 'the wages of sin, is death (Romans 6:23)'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"I, the LORD, search the heart and examine the mind… to reward each person according to their conduct… according to what their deeds... deserve..." - Jeremiah 17:10  

"Regarding the sentiments of the prior paragraph, I do believe such is a foreshadowing of 'the Rapture'... regarding how there are those who will be 'left behind'... In the scenario in which Enoch and Methuselah are born... 'simultaneously,' in a sense... Methuselah has the burden... of knowing he is still 'in the world (for what will end up being 604 years longer),' while Enoch is expedited to heaven... which is a great mercy, when contrasting what that realm is like... compared to this one... just imagine, if the Rapture were to occur one day... and several millions of people on the Earth, were 'plucked away ('vanished')'... of the billions that there are, on such (presently, there are about 7.9 billion people on this planet)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

1:09 AM (5/23/22):
"The will to live, is a reflection of one's spiritual fortification/integrity... and likely a key measure, by which God deduces... one's character..." - Michael Izuchukwu

1:01 AM (5/23/22):
"But about that day or hour, no one knows... not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son... but only, the Father..." - Matthew 24:36 (regarding the Rapture)

7:25 AM (5/23/22):
"This morning, I had the realization that one must be 'actively invested' in the process of 'asymptotic aging'... in order to see the fruits, of that labor... Those experiencing such, are at odds with those who are not... regarding their lifestyles, and daily agendas/routines... One cannot go about this process, passively, otherwise one may be subject to straying from that path... and making 'errors,' along the way... This is not ideal, given the inescapability of time... and how such, cannot be recaptured..." - Michael Izuchukwu
(photo of female employee, spacing out)


10:53 AM (5/30/22): “Moments ago, I began speculating about life’s meaning… and ultimate significance… It is well-known that humans have only one life to live, and such is refined by many variables… One begins with a foundation, provided by the family one is raised in… and either takes advantage of presented opportunities, or squanders them (starting with childhood, through adolescence)… To foresee things before they happen, is a great attribute… given that Desiderius Erasmus once said, ‘prevention is better, than the cure’… In the context of spacetime, a human’s form changes throughout such…. from one’s point of origin, to departure… to and from, this world… A life worthwhile, is one worth fighting for… and such is usually riddled, with minimal regrets… due to one possessing spiritual fortitude, which results from having a genuine, ethical framework… Jesus Christ is perhaps the best exemplification, of the ideals that are necessary… to get to heaven, given that the processes He went through to get there… were validated, by His Resurrection… 3 days after His own Crucifixion, and by His ascent to heaven… 40 days, after that…” – Michael Izuchukwu

11:17 AM (5/30/22): "Time cannot be recaptured, so one ought to capture that... which makes one immune, to its passage... if one seeks to ascertain the feedback that may be necessary, to reach heaven (via 'natural means')... ...even though Jesus Christ must ultimately, give authorization... on Judgment Day..." - Michael Izuchukwu

  "...and Jesus said, 'Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children... you will never enter… the Kingdom of Heaven..." - Matthew 18:3

“It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man… to enter, the Kingdom of Heaven…” – Matthew 19:24

7:53 AM (6/4/22):
"Just as one cannot do multiplication/division, before addition/subtraction... a process must be concurrently 'in motion,' and 'actively refined'... in order, to be perfected..." - Michael Izuchukwu

8:31 AM (6/4/22):


1. Proper diet/nutrition

2. Daily exercise

3. Being high-spirited

4. Proper hygiene

5. Meditation

6. Adhering to minimalistic-based regimens

11:42 AM (6/8/22):

“Or do you not know that your body is a temple, of the Holy Spirit… within you… whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God, in your body…” – 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (according to Paul, the Apostle)

اخيراً قابلت لينا 🤍 الحياة في كوريا كعربية - YouTube [Video title: 'I finally met Lina    Life in Korea as an Arab' (Arabic translation, via 'Google Translate')] - NOTE: I don't know the Arabic alphabet; I have elementary understanding... of the geometric representation, of the letters...

"After watching the above video, I got the impression that the person seen at 1:43 (with the longer hair, of the 2 females)... likely views her home, as a spaceship (in the context of the passage '1 Corinthians 6:19-20'... from the bible... 
It has been said, that when one departs from this realm... one cannot bring his/her earthly treasures, with him/her... but one may carry, his/her spirit... and memories... giving credence, to how certain cultures on planet Earth... place emphasis, on the aforementioned..." - Michael Izuchukwu

11:47 AM (6/8/22): 

"If one views his/her home as a spaceship, he/she likely is on the level of 'aliens'... Not 'actual extraterrestrials,' but very advanced... regarding his/her degree... of 'self-sufficiency'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

5:32 PM (6/14/22):

"There are 23 pairs of chromosomes, in the human body... and at the end of them, are structures called telomeres... which account for aging, via a process known as senescence ('cellular death')... I surmise that actions at the macroscopic level, influence those which happen at the microscopic scale... regarding the homeostatic processes, of the body... This notion may hold the key, to achieving 'asymptotic aging'... even though such may not be a strictly 'biological/physiological' process..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"There surely is a pathway to heaven, via 'natural means'... that is divinely authorized..." - Michael Izuchukwu

7:26 AM (6/26/22):
“Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death… so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in Him. According to the Lord’s word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord… will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command… with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God… and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left… will be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord, forever…” – 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17
"If living beyond the age of 400 is possible, via 'asymptotic aging'... then the fact that Enoch (from the bible) was teleported to heaven... at the age of 365, likely is an indication that he made a transition from the material, to the spiritual realm/plane... Thus, for those who die 'natural deaths' and do not experience such a process (like Enoch's son, Methuselah... who died at the age of 969), perhaps such is akin to 'falling asleep' and awakening in an 'unpleasant place (due to 'original sin')'... until one is called forth, on Judgment Day (by Jesus Christ, who presently performs the function of God... in the spirit realm)... to hear one's fate..." - Michael Izuchukwu

8:15 AM (6/26/22):
"I would attest that Enoch must have been a very spiritual person (a person of outstanding, moral character), in order for 'God the Father' to have taken him, to heaven... in a time, before Jesus Christ had been on Earth (by the age of 365)... Nevertheless, because Methuselah lived to the age of 969 in those days... Enoch's son, himself, must have also been a moral individual... but there was a distinction between himself, and his father... which did not entitle him, to that same reward... Thus, Methuselah lived on Earth for 604 years longer than his father... before his death, which may have been 'quiet and peaceful,' like falling into a deep slumber..." - Michael Izuchukwu

2:40 PM (7/25/22):
"Evidently, there are 2 ways to live a long time... one being of intrinsic value, while the other not being so... In the context of the aforementioned, Enoch (who lived to the age of 365, before being 'taken by God') is characteristic of the former... while his son, Methuselah (who lived to the age of 969)... is characteristic, of the latter..." - Michael Izuchukwu
"...Regarding this article, such could be prolonged suffering... if one neglects one biological age, and 'spacetime age'..." - Michael Izuchukwu


11:56 PM (8/9/22): 

12:06 AM (8/10/22):

“As they were walking along and talking together, suddenly a chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared and separated the two of them... and Elijah went up to heaven, in a whirlwind…” – 2 Kings 2:11

>>>How old was Elijah when God took him? - Quora<<<

4:46 PM (10/2/22):

"Given that the spirit (emotion/sensation/aura) takes precedence to the mind/intellect, which does the same for the body/physicality... The body eventually perishes, the mind wanes and the spirit endures... Asymptotic aging is an 'unconventional' process, given that if such was common... such would be well known... 

...For the process of asymptotic aging, the first 'spacetime-based' checkpoint in such... likely occurs, at 28... and the last, at 50... regarding the 'window of opportunity', for taking action... towards engaging in such... If you have yet to begin that process, and are over the age of 50... you likely have 5 years to do so... before you 'dip below' the threshold, that is needed... to derive any benefits...

4:55 PM (10/2/22):

...if one is 'attentive' to one's biological age and spacetime age, while 'actively' pursuing this process... then one may detect feedback, that he/she is on... that path..." - Michael Izuchukwu


"For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit, you put to death the misdeeds of the body... you will live..." - Romans 8:13

9:05 PM (10/11/22):

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate, and broad is the road... ...that leads, to destruction… ...and many enter, through it…” – Matthew 7:13

"In the context of this biblical passage, and 'Romans 8:13 (the prior one)'... I believe that asymptotic aging... requires living life, unconventionally... This makes sense, in the context of how the masses ('most individuals') tend to live life... in a capacity, that conforms with 'normalcy'... and may fall short, of the prerequisites/standards that must be met... to experience, such a process...
...aside from potentially describing what the entryway to heaven, may be like... Matthew 7:13 is likely one of the biblical verses... that gives clues, about the means... by which one can gain entry to heaven... via 'natural means'...
...'all things' are possible, with God... after all.... regarding those, which he ('God the Father') has ordained..." - Michael Izuchukwu

“What is impossible with man, is possible… with God…” – Luke 18:27 (according to Jesus Christ)
This sounds like something that one of God's appointed angels would say to a human, before departing... either lives a 'conventional life,' and has a 'conventional' passing... from this realm, to the next (to await Judgment Day), or lives an 'unconventional life'... and defies a 'conventional passing'... by being 'whisked away' by God, to heaven (as Enoch was, in the bible... at the age of 365)... Given 'God the Father' granted Enoch favor, Enoch may have been excluded... from that 'evaluation'...
...'interesting' it is, that Enoch had a son... named Methuselah, who lived 604 years longer... than his father, Enoch. Nevertheless, Methuselah 'did not' receive the same reward... as his father (he was granted 'longevity,' however...)
...there is a difference between having a 'pure heart,' and a 'good heart'... regarding one's ethical framework... and the observation of the respective chronological ages (time on Earth)/lifespans of Enoch and Methuselah (father and son)... may be some test/model/example, that God intended...

“For all have sinned, and fall short… of the glory, of God…” - Romans 3:23

3:16 AM (10/17/22):

Jennifer Connelly · I'm Just Ordinary - YouTube 

8:56 AM (10/28/22):

"At 8:49 AM today, the idea occurred to me… that if one preserves oneself (spiritually, mentally and physically) well enough, while walking upon a ‘spiritual path’… then God will look upon such an individual, favorably… in the context, of the times and teachings… of Jesus Christ (‘God the Son’)… Regarding the verse 'Matthew 19:24,' of the bible (see: there evidently is some correlation… between ‘spiritually motivated minimalism' and resolve, amidst trials and tribulations… with the strength of one’s connection, to the Holy Spirit…” – Michael Izuchukwu




12:53 PM (12/4/22):

"My primary priority in life, is getting to heaven... by means ('completion of the necessary prerequisites') that are either spiritually ordained, or divinely permissible..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"Now I declare to you, brothers, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God… nor does the perishable inherit, the imperishable. Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed - in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye… at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable… and we will be changed…” - 1 Corinthians 15:51 (regarding the biblically prophesized event, known as 'the Rapture')


1:03 PM (12/4/22):
"If there's a way to get to heaven, via 'expedited means (a head start)'... then surely one must invest heavily in that process, in order... for such, to be realized..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye (you) shall find..." - Matthew 7:7

["It is finished..." - Jesus, after He had received the wine, followed by Him bowing His head, and surrendering His spirit] - John 19:30 (when Jesus Christ had been on the cross, during His Crucifixion)


3:23 PM (12/4/22):
(a snapshot of my Facebook profile, as of 3:18 PM... on 12/4/22)

10:47 AM (1/13/22):
"When one thinks about the sacrament of marriage, one often contemplates the motivation for such; specifically, as to why two individuals exhibit... a mutual interest. In the context of the spirit, mind and body... it's ideal to find someone, who rivals your attributes... who can keep pace, with you... regarding the trajectory in life, you are on (or the path, that you intend on following... to arrive at a particular destination)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

11:00 AM (1/13/22):

11:11 AM (1/13/22): 
"Time is relative to the observer..." - Albert Einstein
"Time is relative to the observer, but the observer... is not necessarily as relative, to time..." - Michael Izuchukwu

11:14 AM (1/13/22):
"...why is that...?" - Curious Woman
"...because each human is like 'a vector,' with magnitude and direction... and spacetime (the three spatial directions of length, width and height/depth... along with the fourth, temporal dimension of time) is experienced differently by each person, in accordance... with that term (in the context of one's spiritual, mental and physical... fortification)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

3:24 PM (1/18/23):
"I would disagree with this article's title, and argue that not only is age 'just a number'... but since time is relative to the observer, and the observer is not necessarily 'as relative'... to time... it's not so much about what chronological age one is (which is the elapsed time, one has been on Earth), but it's more about biological age... and 'spacetime age'..." - Michael Izuchukwu
For elaboration on the 'above,' the following is from THOUGHTS OF THE PRINCE, OF DARKNESS ( >>>>>>>
8:49 PM (5/26/22): "I was born on November 2, 1989, and am presently 32 years, 6 months & 24 days old... Nevertheless, there is a difference between biological age and chronological age... given that the former relates to how old one appears to be externally/on the surface [regarding variables such as respiratory function/cardiovascular efficiency, skin/epidermis health, blood flow, aura/vibrancy ('a corpse lacks this'), and most importantly... the quality/condition of homeostatic processes, which governs/'accounts for' the prior four variables], while the latter deals with how long one has been on Earth... 
7:58 PM (7/12/22): "...I would add that aside from biological age (how one physiologically 'appears and feels') and chronological age (how long one has been on Earth), there is 'spacetime age (based off 'physiological efficiency,' and specific for each individual... given that in the timeline of a human life, he/she may be aging differently... year by year, due to his/her genetics/hereditary traits, rate of sedentariness, and nature and nurture)'... 

3:30 PM (1/18/23):
"To walk on the path that Enoch (of the bible) was on... requires taking many steps, in the context... of those, that were aligned... with that, of Jesus Christ (God the Son). Enoch happened to be relating to Jesus' teachings/message, before He had entered... this world... ...and God the Father, took note of this..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

3:48 PM (1/18/23):
"Verily, verily, I say unto you... that if a man keep my saying, he shall never see death..." - John 8:51 (according to Jesus Christ)
3:52 PM (1/18/23): 
"For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life, through Christ Jesus... our Lord..." - Romans 6:23

3:54 PM (1/18/23):
"I guess what is implied here, is that 'if you sin too much'... you die (your mortality is taken note of)..." - Michael Izuchukwu (God the Father, works in mysterious ways)
58. “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life... No one comes to the Father, except through me...” – John 14:6 (according to Jesus Christ)
"In the context of this statement, and the Holy Trinity [God the Father (heavenly Father/'Alien God'), God the Son (Jesus Christ/'Human God'), and the Holy Spirit ('a human's link to God')], one can infer that given Jesus Christ is the intermediary between His 'heavenly Father' and humans... unless one thoroughly understands the teachings of Jesus (and His message)... one cannot be receptive of the potentially more complex ways... of 'God the Father'..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 1:32 PM (8/5/22)

The Enchanted Rose, in a container... from the movie 'Beauty and the Beast'... ...the falling pedals, could be thought of as a metaphor for a thread that was being cut... in the movie 'Hercules'...

5:00 PM (1/18/23):
"Enoch likely had the frequency of 'I don't know where I'm going, but I know where I've been'..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

5:24 PM (1/18/23): "The bible is the word of God..." - Jaszy Moz (spiritual mentor, 2011-2018)
Jaszy Moz Farshad | Facebook (

5:30 PM (1/18/23): "There's a difference between knowing of the spirit, and thinking you know of the spirit. The bible is the word of God, and I knew this before Jaszy confirmed that to me..." - Michael Izuchukwu

5:32 PM (1/18/23):
“Dear friends, do not believe every spirit… but test the spirits… to see whether they are from God… because many false prophets have gone out into the world. This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh, is from God… but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus, is not from God..." - 1 John 4:1-3

5:41 PM (1/18/23):


4:55 AM (1/19/23):
"Enoch didn't even know who Jesus Christ was, and yet... God the Father said to himself, 'I see potential'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

5:02 AM (1/19/23):
The FASTEST Thing in the Universe! #shorts - YouTube
"Maybe God the Father is speeding up the universe's expansion, 'partially' because of the proliferation of extraterrestrials... in other galaxies..." - Michael Izuchukwu

NOTE #1:
Maybe God the Father would think to himself, what is the plight of Matthew Smith (of Earth)... in relation to Ezeno... of the planet Zargon...
[If you think about the lives of people in other countries (on Earth), you may begin to wonder about the possibility, of the lives... of 'extraterrestrial people'... on other planets (in our galaxy, and others... Planets are comprised of countries (which are subsets of continents) and galaxies are comprised of planetary systems (ours is the 'solar system')]

NOTE #2:
Humans pray, but aside from prayer... I suspect that God the Father picks up on auras/chis as frequencies, that he can get a read on... to infer, the nature... of one's spirit (humans, animals, extraterrestrials and extraterrestrial animals)...

NOTE #3:
Humans are characterized by the 'Holy Spirit'...

6:00 AM (1/19/23):
(in the aftermath) >>>>>>> 

6:19 AM (1/19/23):

6:26 AM (1/19/23):

6:53 AM (1/19/23):

7:06 AM (1/19/23):
"Apparently, when watching speakers... speaking from the heart (without a 'direct audience') is different than speaking when apart ('with' a 'direct audience')..." - Michael Izuchukwu
The former tends to be more impromptu, while the latters is more guided/interview-based...

7:13 AM (1/19/23):

1:12 PM (1/19/23):
(for primary Blogger blog) >>>>>>> 

3:04 PM (1/25/23):

3:17 PM (1/25/23):
"Aside from my mom, there isn't anyone in my family (in the context of relatives)... who I have had frequent/routine interactions with (in the context of seeing each other face-to-face, or phone calls)... I am curious about finding a significant other, but in the context of the aforementioned [and the fact that my dad is deceased, and had been emotionally/psychologically abusive throughout my childhood and adolescence... and left no inheritance, despite being in need of a 5th heart surgery operation... as of 10/7/20 (which was the eve of his death)]... I feel as though (if the sentiment was mutual) that there would have to be a limit of 1-2 offspring, in the context of my 'estranged relatives (and the emotional apathy, hypocrisy and irrational biases, of my mom)'... Nevertheless, I am wondering about how old I would have to be (in the context of asymptotic aging), for the sense of urgency about this... to not be relevant (given that my parents got married when my dad was 34 and my mom was 26... on 7/22/89)
Michael Izuchukwu – Medium (

3:28 PM (1/25/23):
"There was not one time in my life (prior to his death), that my dad brought up the conversation of marriage to me... regarding his potential interest, on my thoughts... on such..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

3:43 PM (1/25/23):

3:47 PM (1/25/23):
"I wonder how old I would have to be [while theoretically seeming as old as I am now - 33 chronologically, but 'younger' biologically), for the music from 7:25-8:20 of the above video... to be 'metaphorically playing'... on a daily basis, regarding the vibe one has to others... who one may encounter..." - Michael Izuchukwu
"It always seems impossible... until it's done..." - Nelson Mandela

NOTE #1:
Maybe Enoch had this vibe in the M83 video segment, when he was 330 years old... 
NOTE #2:
I suspect in the days of Enoch, there were some people who lived very long (due to high spirits)... but may have seemed raggedy, due to a 'lack of hygiene'... 
NOTE #3:
Asymptotic aging, is a subset... of genuinely abiding, by the Holy Spirit (a human's link, to Jesus Christ - God the Son)...

4:01 PM (1/25/23):
Longevity myths - Wikipedia (potential naysayers)

5:16 PM (1/25/23):
"It's my personal conviction, that in our modern era... if God took interest in whisking away a particular individual to heaven, such would be denoted by the Rapture [there likely would be more than one person, on Earth... with a track record of 'spiritual accomplishment (that is favorable in the eyes of Jesus Christ)... experiencing 'overlooked mortality']. Jesus now performs the function of His 'heavenly Father'... He now does, his will..." - Michael Izuchukwu

5:26 PM (1/25/23):
"Jesus Christ now does the will of His heavenly Father, but the ways of His heavenly Father... are different, than His own..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life... No one comes to the Father, except through me...” – John 14:6 (according to Jesus Christ)

Enoch and Elijah, are two biblical individuals... who were whisked away to heaven, without experiencing 'natural death'...

5:58 PM (1/25/23):
"When considering 'whisking candidates,' perhaps God the Father had been concerned strictly about spirituality... in relation to chronological age... while Jesus Christ (God the Son) may be concerned about spirituality, in relation to both chronological age and biological age (which relates to 'spacetime age')..." - Michael Izuchukwu (see 'highlighted' part of this blog)

6:04 PM (1/25/23):
"Biological age (in relation to chronological age), is likely an effect... of the Holy Spirit..." - Michael Izuchukwu

[Jesus replied, "Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man... has no place, to lay his head..."] - Luke 9:58

10:46 PM (1/25/23):
"Regarding the highlighted post at 3:47 PM (on 1/25/23), assuredly... someone who encounters 'such a' person, would be thinking 'certain bells' are ringing (as though one is picking up, on 'a signal'... from God)... ...assuming, one is just walking down the street... and that is the feedback one gets, from passing 'this' individual..." - Michael Izuchukwu

11:34 PM (1/25/23):

All Dogs Go To Heaven 2- Final Fight Part 2 - YouTube (Gabriel's horn)

11:14 PM (1/26/23):

"If someone doesn't have a cultivated mind, and/or a fortified spirit... he/she may lose his/her way in life, and stray... from an intended path (as he/she ventures further, along his/her life's timeline)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

1:19 PM (1/30/23):
American Income (@americanincome) | TikTok

"If this anesthesiologist was really '65' years old, then he would have ascertained the means... to 'asymptotically age'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

11:23 AM (3/4/23):
Ozean - Scenic - THE BEST DREAMPOP SONG YOU'VE NEVER HEARD (but the lyrics are AI generated images) - YouTube


God is real. - YouTube

[the 'above' song complements the video that follows such (for the above posting)... if played, concurrently]

11:39 AM (3/4/23):

Discussing my insights on Blaise Pascal's Wager - YouTube


11:38 PM (3/16/23): 

“Recollection of a dream of mine, about 1 minute… after having awoken, from a slumber (which lasted about an hour)... at 11:29 PM, today (3/16/23)... Such was that 'If someone generally has the attributes that characterize being herculean, he or she may have their mortality overlooked... by God…' I had been walking down a spiral and square, staircase (within a castle)... in my dream, while following a dude in a tuxedo... who continued, 'that's the way it's been done, for millennia... Only with great sacrifice and moral valor, can one be exalted… to such status (given that such requires affirmation, by the Holy Trinity)’…  After he had concluded, the sequence ended…” – Michael Izuchukwu


11:46 PM (3/16/23):

I had to collect my thoughts quickly (retracing my steps in the last moments, of the dream), and relay them via my laptop (meticulously)... due to the nature, of dream retention... ...the sequence may have been 3-5 minutes long, but the part I remembered... was about 1 minute...

Photo of me, shortly after having awoken from a dream... in which a
 potential angel, was speaking (11:51 PM, on 3/16/23)

I usually do not recollect dreams, this vividly...
(the angel had the vibe of the dude in the yellow attire, of this video - 0:28-0:35)

12:08 AM (3/17/23):

(a Penrose Triangle, that I had taken note of... as of 6:40 PM, on 3/13/23... ...if a line 
is traced around such, a 4-loop Mobius strip... is formed)

12:23 AM (3/17/23):
The dude in the yellow attire (from my dream), had the 'swagger' of the Grand Priest... from the animated TV series 'Dragonball Super,' regarding 0:53-1:04... of this video...
Swagger can be subjective...

12:35 AM (3/17/23):

12:40 AM (3/17/23):
12:47 AM (3/17/23):

1:04 AM (3/17/23):
"I noticed that the length of the 'Grand Priest' video (above) is 1:43, and as of 3/13/23... it was 143 years & 364 days, until what would have been Albert Einstein's 144th birthday..." - Michael Izuchukwu
(5th to last video, on TikTok account whiz318 - Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz318) | TikTok)

1:14 AM (3/17/23):
"The angel in the tuxedo (regarding the above dream), was likely disguised..." - Michael Izuchukwu

2:19 AM (3/17/23):
6:34 AM (3/9/23):
Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz317) | TikTok [ ]
NOTE #1: 
Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz317) | TikTok  [ ]
NOTE #2:
(a total of 47 seconds)

14.40-meter (47'3") triple jump high school record:
Lafayette (Wildwood) HS Track Records ( ( 

NOTE #3:
11/2/89 - 3/16/23 (my birth date, to the date when the dream-based angel encounter... occurred...) >>> Calculate Duration Between Two Dates – Results (
NOTE #4:
A possible allusion, to my initial 4.14-D being prediction for myself... regarding Day 1, of the afterlife (or divine confirmation, that the following video's content... has legitimacy)...
NOTE #5:
NOTE #6:

2:50 AM (3/17/23):
(McDonald's receipt)

2:56 AM (3/17/23):
"After going to McDonald's in the City of Orange, NJ... yesterday (3/16/23), I went to ShopRite (to buy apple sauce, as a snack)... When it was time to go to the self-checkout, I was directed to machine #12 (which was not working)... I then was directed to machine #4, which was. Interestingly, the sensation of that experience... felt like 'Paradise Lost,' which is encapsulated by the following video recommendation (interestingly, such is 12 minutes & 4 seconds... in length)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Things aren't always, as they seem... ...that which appears one way from afar, may not be so... up-close...

"For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit, you put to death the misdeeds of the body... you will live..." - Romans 8:13

9:56 AM (3/19/23):
[Jesus said to the Jews: "Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever keeps my word will never see death." So the Jews said to him, "Now we are sure that you are possessed. Abraham died, as did the prophets, yet you say, 'Whoever keeps my word will never taste death.' Are you greater than our father Abraham, who died? Or the prophets, who died? Who do you make yourself out to be?" Jesus answered, "If I glorify myself, my glory is worth nothing; but it is my Father who glorifies me, of whom you say, 'He is our God.' You do not know him, but I know him. And if I should say that I do not know him, I would be like you a liar. But I do know him and I keep his word. Abraham your father rejoiced to see my day; he saw it and was glad." So the Jews said to him, "You are not yet fifty years old and you have seen Abraham?" Jesus said to them, "Amen, amen, I say to you, before Abraham came to be, I AM." So they picked up stones to throw at him; but Jesus hid and went out of the temple area...] - John 8:51-59

[Photo of 'potential extraterrestrial' with a golden face... that I noticed, for the first time... on 1/26/23, about 5 minutes before midnight (zoom-in, featuring Amara DiFrancesco)]

Facebook snapshot (potential sighting of golden-face extraterrestrial), 1 of 3

Facebook snapshot (potential sighting of golden-face extraterrestrial), 2 of 3

Facebook snapshot (potential sighting of golden-face extraterrestrial), 3 of 3

1-3 are from my Facebook profile: Michael Izuchukwu | Facebook (
NOTE: '7w' = 7 weeks ago

1/26/23 to 3/16/23 [date from my initial observation, that there could potentially be a golden-faced extraterrestrial... in the background... of a photo featuring Amara DiFrancesco (known as 'Princess Amara,' on my Couchsurfing social media profile)... and that of my hypothetical encounter with an angel (via a dream)... was exactly '7' weeks]..." >>> Calculate Duration Between Two Dates – Results (
The 'above' ballroom photo, was a zoom-in... of the one, formerly posted to my Couchsurfing profile... 
Michael is on Couchsurfing! | Couchsurfing (



“A camel is a relatively massive animal, and the 'eye of a needle' is quite small... Yet, Jesus Christ likened entering heaven... to the difficulty of entering, through a 'small passage'... Thus, I made the inference that a rich person ('of the world') often has many unwarranted or unnecessary attachments/obligations... which may weigh him/her down... It may be beneficial to be efficient with the means one has to make a living, and what one does for a living... to get to heaven...

...Someone abiding by the latter sentiment, would then realize that from a metaphorical standpoint... the entryway to heaven would be a bit larger for him/her than the 'eye of a needle'... ...Perhaps, like the top of a small cup...

…One can extrapolate that if a rich man were the size of a camel, then passing through the entrance to heaven… would be no less difficult… than a camel, passing through the eye… of a needle… I conclude that such means one must be a ‘very efficient’ person (in the context of the spirit, mind and body)…” - Michael Izuchukwu


“Given that Jesus Christ stated 7 last phrases/words, while on the cross... in the context of Matthew 19:24 of the bible, there is credence to believe... that such alludes to the threshold, for when one's worldly wealth... interferes, with one's spiritual fortification & progression... Perhaps $10,000,000 (8 figures) is 'that threshold'... given that such contains '7' zeros... ...if a man can teach himself to fish, and fish for himself... as opposed to buying fish from the market, there is a difference... in the spirituality, of those respective processes...” – Michael Izuchukwu


(an artistic depiction of 'Menalias,' ascending a mountain... at the age of 683...)

To my understanding, 'his' name is fictional...

8:40 PM (4/1/23):
"If you want my professional opinion, on that which causes people to age (from a metaphysical standpoint)... such is simply the consequence, of people 'losing sight, of who they are'... as time progresses. Time is like a river, which is relative to the observer... but the observer, is not necessarily as relative... to time..." - Michael Izuchukwu
It has been said 'what you think, you shall become'... After a certain threshold is reached, regarding one's chronological age (in relation to one's biological age)... this phrase becomes increasingly relevant, due to the principle of diminishing returns, Zeno's Paradox... and the law of attraction...

4:03 AM (4/20/23):
4:03 AM (4/20/23): "At 3:54 AM today (4/20/23), I awoke from a semi-dream... when in such, some inquiry was being made... and then there was a response... Such was 'when God gave up his Son, so that whosoever believeth in Him... should not perish, but have eternal life... he had to give away, a part of himself… …and such is why mankind experiences a ‘separation from him,’ until a person arises… who defies the natural order/conventions, of ‘original sin’…" - Michael Izuchukwu
NOTE #1:
Regarding the aforementioned, 'God' is in the context of God the Father... and the following biblical verse:
"For God so loved the world, that he gave His one and only begotten son… that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish… but have eternal life..." - John 3:16
NOTE #2:
As usual, I was beside my laptop (like the prior dream, from 11:51 PM... on 3/16/23)... and had to type up my thoughts, quickly... so that the dream, did not escape my memory...
NOTE #3:
I have no doubt that the semi-dream was of 'divine inspiration,' given that I have that passage... memorized by heart, but I had to 'look up' the numbers and the name... that are affiliated with such... ...and interestingly, they correspond... to that prior date...
NOTE #4:
Exactly 5 weeks passed, from 3/16/23 to 4/20/23...
NOTE #5:
4:21 AM (4/20/23):
NOTE #6:
Due to what I stated in 'Note #3,' I personally have no doubt... that what transpired in the semi-dream, was of a divine nature... Regarding bible verses, I am more inclined to be able to recite the words... of passages, than the titles of passages... that they may be referencing... ...and if this hypothesis is valid, then assuredly... that must have been the 'same angel'... from 3/16/23 (see earlier, in this blog)
NOTE #7:
To recollect my thoughts for this semi-dream, which lasted about '1' minute... as opposed to 3-5 minutes, for the one on 3/16/23... my reaction time, was about 'the same'... 
4:35 AM (4/20/23):
I do believe that John 3:16, alludes to John 8:51... of the bible... 
"Verily, verily, I say unto you... that if a man keep my saying, he shall never see death..." - John 8:51 
4:37 AM (4/20/23):
Never seeing death, implies 'everlasting life, and not perishing...' ...assuming that what is meant by 'natural death,' is 'to perish'...
NOTE #9:
In truth, it's due to the realization... that what was stated in the semi-dream, is from (corresponds to) John 3:16... which also corresponds to 3/16 of 2023... that I am as certain as can be, that this was the 'same angel'... in the context, of this blog's content... from 3/16/23 to 4/20/23...
NOTE #10:
4:55 AM (4/20/23):
The key points to take away from this '2nd occurrence'... is that John 3:16 alludes to John 8:51, and that this 'angelic encounter' happened twice... in retrospect (when I began to contemplate, why I even bothered writing... notes 1-10... and why that verse... had been repeated, during the dream-based 'revisitation')...

9:56 AM (4/20/23):
Eternal life refers to 'continued life, after death (a reward, upon entry into heaven)'... while 'everlasting life (enduring)'... is more aligned with the sentiment, of 'overlooked mortality'... and could be a euphemism, for the former...


6:51 AM (5/3/23): 
"A photo I snapped, outside my former apartment's complex (having left my apartment, to go for a walk on a nearby... long path, that I called 'Snake Way')... in June 2020..." - Michael Izuchukwu 
NOTE: Due to the manner in which this photo was snapped, I am simulating myself... having been transported, to this location... 
8:21 AM (5/3/23): 

My dad's application for food stamps, as of 2/8/18...

Eligibility requirements for food stamps, in Missouri: Apply for SNAP |

Video footage of my time, at my former apartment (at the Vanguard Crossing complex, in University City, MO)... from 3/21/20 to 10/25/20... I dubbed such my ‘portable spacetime house (P.S.H.),' which can be entered... via 'memory-based mind traveling'...

...a gallery of 'highlight' meals, that I had prepared... at my former apartment... during the time, I was there...

Interesting recording I made, yesterday (5/2/23)... regarding pathways, to 'home ownership'... I would consider my 'portable spacetime house,' to be my 'first home'... 

If you think of the phrase 'there is one God'... then when I saw this news advertisement, the impression I got... was that King Charles III's body language... was stating, 'God level is ensured'... due to the juxtaposition, of three 'one's'...

Regarding my former apartment ('portable spacetime house'), the main issue I have... is 'physically' walking inside, the interior... Nevertheless, due to my 'timestamp-based documentation (primarily photos)'... I can 'mentally' do so... The following diagram, corroborates the significance... of this ability...
The 'above' diagram, illustrates how the spirit (Holy Spirit) takes precedence to the mind (intellect), which does the same... for the body (physicality)... Based off the positioning of the variables, and 'area comparisons'... one can effectively conclude... that the spirit, mind and body... are stated, from increasing to decreasing level... of importance (regarding their respective, intrinsic value)... There's a reason, why the enunciation (and conceptualization) of these '3' variables... translates, to them being oriented... in the fashion, that the diagram displays...

An artistic depiction, of Jesus Christ... on the cross (during His Crucifixion)... The manner in which He had been nailed to such, caused His body... to assume, a geometry that could be characterized... as a 'V,' the 22nd letter... in the English alphabet... and a 'V'... alludes to an inverted triangle...

7:49 AM (5/16/23):
"My middle name 'Chike,' means 'power of God'... in Egyptian, so perhaps there is some 'divine significance' for this (regarding Moses' statement, in the 'above segment')... in the context, of my full name (Michael Chike Izuchukwu)... and the meaning of each, of those components ('3' total)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

4:58 PM (5/20/23):
The following are 2 conflicting articles, regarding a man's testimony about 'age reversal'... the context, of his 'stated age (chronological)'...
(article from Saturday, 5/20/23)

5:21 PM (5/20/23):
Jesus is coming back soon TikTok - YouTube (3:55-4:13)
If Jesus were 'coming back (returning)'... then one could argue, such could be likened... to the 'portrayal of Him'... turning around, after making an exit... in the 'above segment'...
(former Google search)
[arguably, the 'Second Coming' of Jesus Christ... was when He returned, for 40 days... after Resurrecting, from His Crucifixion (which took 3 days)... ...prior to departing, to heaven]

5:35 PM (5/20/23):
“The stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens... will be shaken. At that time, they will see the Son of Man, coming in the clouds… with great power and glory. And He will send out the angels to gather His elect, from the four winds, from the ends of the earth… the ends of heaven…” – Mark 13:26-27

5:42 PM (5/20/23):

8:40 PM (5/20/23): 
Would you rather have worldly power, or spiritual (spirit-based) power... The two, typically are at odds... ...but the latter, has greater intrinsic value... than the former...  Worldly power, deals with one's standing... in the world, and one's societal influence... ...while spiritual power, pertains to being in God's favor... and one of 'His elect'...
Jesus Christ was a carpenter, and He had tremendous influence... amongst, His followers (which included, His 12 disciples)
1:55 PM (5/21/23):
(a photo of me, inside my room of my dominion... at 7:30 AM, today - 5/21/23)
I was born on 11/2/89 (presently 33 years old), and after watching the following YouTube video recommendation... my consensus was that I was relating to the actress, Dakota Johnson... though that version of her, was 'current'... ...even though the movie 'How to Be Single' was released, in 2016... She was born on 10/4/89, implying she is 29 days older... than me... Nevertheless, 'this movie' was released on 2/12/16... indicating that Dakota was 26 years old, at the time...
(a potential indication, that I recently began asymptotically aging... the context of my chronological age, in relation to my biological age... ...arguably, my vibe had been 'in sync'... with the '26-year-old' Dakota)

2:26 PM (5/21/23):
11:52 AM (5/23/23):
Jesus Christ departed to heaven, by going up... so I guess the implication, is that He would return... by 'going up'...

“...'Men of Galilee,' they said, 'why do you stand here... looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you... into heaven... will come back in the same way, as you have watched Him... go into heaven'..." - Acts 1:11

12:49 AM (8/14/23):
Around 12:40 AM, on 8/14/23... I had a revelation... Humans are 3-dimensional beings, and they navigate reality... via usage, of the third... spatial dimension... A primary method of navigating the third spatial dimension, is via usage of one's legs... A secondary method of navigating such, is via extensions... of 'ourselves'... ...such as vehicles (cars, trains, planes, and boats... for instance)... In the context of 'dimensional ascent,' however... the primary methodology, carries more weight... ...when assessing, the 'dimensional mileage'... of a human body...

12:54 AM (8/14/23):
People travel around the world, with greater ease in our modern time period... ...due to technological developments... Nevertheless, even those who are well-traveled... ...have explored, only a small fraction... of all of that, which there is to explore... in the context, of the third... spatial dimension (such is typically thought of as height/depth... aside from length, and width)... To me, this notion... sheds light, on the wonders... of the cosmos/universe... regarding other worlds/planets, which remain... to be known... ...and is an indication, that the path to heaven... is likely one, that is 'dimensionally governed (in the context, of the spirit, mind and body)'...
1:11 AM (8/14/23):
There are 26.2 miles in a marathon, and the number/integer of '262'... is of interest... given the following:
For spatial dimensions less than '262,' the volume of a sphere... is less than, the volume of a cube... For spatial dimensions greater than or equal to '262,' the volume of a sphere... is greater than, the volume... of a cube...

1:33 AM (8/14/23):
The cross transport, lasted 3 hours (alleged to have weighed '100 pounds,' according to a 'Crucifixion pamphlet' I had been given... in Virginia Beach, VA, in the summer of 2019)

1:35 AM (8/14/23):
9:07 AM (8/23/23):

9:33 AM (8/24/23):
“At 9:32 AM on 8/24/23, I had the revelation… that there are ‘2’ types of paths, one can follow in life – one of the world (material), and the other… of the spirit (spiritual)… It so happens, that the latter path… is more intrinsically rewarding… …in the context, of the fact… that such is lengthier, but often… more obscure… Nevertheless, if one genuinely follows such… as opposed to the former… …at some point, there is an intersection (of the '2' routes)… …denoted by the fact, that further progression along the spiritual path… …has dividends, that take precedence… those, which are material…” – Michael Izuchukwu

10:18 AM (8/24/23):
"Jesus Christ ascended to heaven, at age 33… …even though, such was via ‘unnatural (supernatural) means’… Thus, the cornerstone/foundation was laid (the example, was set)… by Him, regarding the traversal of the path… that leads, from this realm… to heaven… Consequently, it is my present belief… that the phrase ‘33 forever,’ carries weight (the concept, of such... that is)… …for those, who seek to make a similar ascent… although, via ‘natural means’…" - Michael Izuchukwu

5:24 AM (9/4/23):
"Is heaven a destination, or a journey...?" - Michael Izuchukwu
Is it a statement of 'I have arrived'... or is it the questions of 'where are we going, and for how long'...?
(one's stay in heaven is not necessarily indefinite, for there are angels... that have fallen)

10:58 AM (9/5/23):
At 0:00-0:21 of this video, my initial impression is that Neil deGrasse Tyson seems disinterested... or is 'spacing out'...
One's soul pertains to one's identity, while one's spirit... is reflective, of one's life force/chi/aura... Moreover, the brain... is a subet, of the mind; such is merely the vehicle, that permits the mind... to function...
Arguably, removing one's brain... and transferring such, to another human body... is extremely technical, and would likely require an exceptional understanding... of quantum mechanical processes, for the sake... of a nonfatal procedure... Some processes, are irreversible...

4:07 PM (9/6/23):
Regarding 0:00-2:01 of this video, I immediately started thinking to myself... 'did Neil deGrasse Tyson become an 'avowed atheist,' as indicated in video 1 of 3 (above, from 9/5/23)... because he got his own 'talk show'...?" - Michael Izuchukwu
(in terms of 'a fall,' being the aftermath... of pride)
There is difference between saying one believes in God, and genuinely believing...
", and ye... shall find..." - Matthew 7:7 (if one seeks, one may find)

11:07 AM (9/5/23):
11:12 AM (9/5/23):
"Adversity is often the precursor, to spiritual growth..." - Michael Izuchukwu
3:10 PM (10/12/23):
“It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man… to enter, the Kingdom of Heaven…” – Matthew 19:24
